
*I belongs to Allah... Dear Allah,i wish for Your blessing for everything that i have done... and for all my families,teachers and also my most beloved friends.. in everything that they have done too..



sedar xsedar da 2 bulan ++ duk egypt
hehe skjapnye mase
hmm da 2bulan jgk bnyk yg dah blajar
seronok jgk ilmu medic ni
hmm tgah2 blajar msti mulut ni
kdg2 xlekang sebut SUBHANALLAH
bkn pe,ta'jub yg tramat dgn ciptaan Allah
hebatnya Dia,bleh cipta sistem tubuh kita dengan sempurna
sbgai contoh,muscular system
hmm kalo ingt2 balik
proses of contraction of muscle....
(nak tau cuba google..hehe)
hmm syukur dpt pluang blajar ilmu medic
n semoga diri ini sentiasa istiqamah belajar ilmu ni

p/s:kalau kita berusaha brsungguh sgguh iA Dia akn prmudhkn urusn kita
janji jaga hak Dia..=)

~post for mE

~good luck fatinfaeznurfauzi


I WANT TO BE A DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WORK AND STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nAk jadi YanG teRbaIk.....

~1st day.

alhamdulillah..ade jugak kesempatan singgah blog
sebenarnyer baru lepas revise medical biochemistry
just nak share ngan sahabat2 bout my new day..
hehe 1st day to kuliah ari ni..
alhamdulillah,before gi kelas tadi dapat motivate dari ayah
dye mesej from malaysia..lagi semangat nak gi u..
tadi,jalan sorang2..dari umah ke u...hehe best la plak
baru terasa saya stand own my own feet
b4 ni keluar ngan akak2 senior..tapi tadi jalan sesorang
kena lintas jalan yang sesak tu..
tp td naseb bek trsempak jgak ngan dak2 malaysia yg len..
ari ni just blaja biochem n physio
best,alhamdulillah faham je doktor ajar tadi
emm harap2 untuk kelas yang len2 pun dpt faham ngan bek jugak
i.Allah..AIM FOR MUMTAZ!!!be the bestest=)

*esok,ada practical anatomy..xsabar nak blaja.tp,blaja ke ha esok??harap2 blaja,hehe
emm dri tadi asyik bersin je,selsema xelok lg..(+_+)

~new home

semalam da pindah rumah..
hmm i've to move ke rumah senior..
yang semuanye akan masuk year 6 and sorang tu
da masuk year 6...
saye sorang je junior!!!!
mula2 takut..but saye terime je..
honestly cakap,kdg2 saye terasa sunyi...
sunyi nak borak ngan kawan2 year 1 jugk..
kadg2 saye tak tau ape nak borak ngan akak tu
hmm xpela,tu terbaek untuk fatin..

p/s=fon rosak...lagilah sunyi...='(

isk2 ='(

kepala sakit sgtla ari ni...
terhantuk kat katil...
*ade prjumpaan,hmpir2 dapat rumah..alhmdulillah..

p/s miss family...........
miss sumone yg jauh dimata....=(

tak sabarNyeeeeeeeee...

skrang ni saye masih kat dewan malaysia abbassiah
rumah xdapat pun lagi..
em xpela..
duk kt dmak ni xde wat pape
kdg2 asyik kuar pegi jalan2 je
emm boring jugak
stat kuliah kat cairo u,3okt
lambat lagi..xsabar nak blaja balik..
rindu nak blaja...

saya DaH Kat mEsir...........
alhamdulillah....14september,9 malam
waktu malaysia,3 petang waktu mesir
selamat jugak saye
jejakkan kaki kat bumi anbia nie..
even sedih sangat2 tinggal family kat malaysia..
pepun sape2 yang singgah blog saye ni
saye nak mintak maaf banyak2
kalau ada salah and silap
saye kat sahabat2...
IsK2...SelAmAt harI RaYe.........

++++++++++i Miss ThEm veRy muCh++++++++++

~dah ABes kemas...

da abes kemas beg2 nak gi mesir..
sebenarnye,dah lame stat kemas sket2
tapi baru siap ari nie...
tadi...agak tension nak kemas baju2..
rase cam overload je...
dahle maximum beg kargo tu 30 kg je..
beg pun dah gedabak,baju lagi...
tadi pun ngemas ngan mood yang xde..
campur ngan perasaan sedih nak tinggal malaysia..
last2 ayah tolong kemas skali...
tolong lipat baju2..
(_ __''') malu plak kat ayah moody cam2...
pepun thanx dad....
siap jugak ari ni,kalau tak esok knferm xabes kemas lagi..

diz is for WAHDATY

wahdaty, i have something
for you..
i know that you have been waiting for this
'special one' for a long time..
so, i decided to give it 2day...

here it is....

hehe..HAPPY BIRHTDAY wahdaty...
sayangilah kucing...

p/s hanye mereka yang mengetahui
akan benar2 memahami....

Kadang2 saye tertanye tanye..
kenape ramai student yang duk kat luar negara
suke sangat kawen awal???
especially yang pergi mideast nie....
takut la....moga2 tempias kawen awal tu tak berjangkit
kat saya...huhu

kat umah nenek skrang...
hanya saya, adeq laki and adeq bongsu je yang balik..
akak tak balik...dua lagi adeq kat asrama
and esok adeq yang ke4 nak exam...
exam upsr...
tadi pegi lawat dia..
nampak gak muka cuak die tu...
maklumlah important exam yang pertama...
hehe klaka betul tadi tengok muke cuak dia tue..
dan oleh kerana saya nie memang akak yang baek.....
bagilah kata2 semangat kat die
tapi...menanges plak budaq tue..
hehe kate2 semangat yang memang psiko habes..
tapi tadi,nanges2 pun sempat lagi suruh orang belanja jubah rayer..
haisyh...budaq nie..saje nak abeskan dwet orang..
em saya pasti esok adeq pun akan duduk tepi pintu
macam 3 orang akak die dulu...
oleh kerana kitaorang name semua stat ngan huruf F..
jadi semua angka giliran mesti dalam range DAB007-DAB009
seingat saye,akak 007, saye 009 and adeq ke3 007 gak...
hehe adeq beradeq F...
pepun moga2 adeq saye akan mewarisi kejayaan akaq2 dye
(x termasuk saye..upsr dapat 4A1B je..isk2)

dis is our family 4th generation
of upsr...Gud Luck Anik!!

yahooooooooo..dapat jugak tinggalkan intec
dan saya pasti pakcik yang jual nasi tomato
bazar ramadhan
kat depan kolej akan merindui saya..(yeye je)
smalam sampai umah dalam pukul 10 lebih..
letih!!!8 jam on journey..
dan sepanjang tu jugak kena riba adeq bongsu
kat seat belakang tu..dahla berat budak tu
sampai je kat umah
naseb bek adeq2 tolong angkat beg2
yang besar+banyak tu
kalau tak memang puluh2 bakul kena
makan bebelan kakak dia nie..
nek je atas rumah
kat ruang tamu,nampak sesuatu..
wah...tu ke beg yang bakal saya bawak
gi mesir..??
besarnye..ingat kotak tv ke ape..
sape yang letak kat ruang tamu tu???
asal tak letak je dalam bilik??
semangat betul...
rupenya adeq2 yang letak situ
waktu diorang kemas2 rumah...
saje nak suruh kakak diorang sedar diri lagi 8 hari nak fly..
isk2 sampai hati korang..
cam nak suruh angah pegi cepat2 je...
(ngade2 majuk plak)
ye tapi tu la hakikatnye..
tak lame lagi... tinggal minggu depan je nak pegi..
tension!!tak kemas lagi...
esok kena start kemas la...

p/s nie dye first post gune laptop baru..

Hye..salam..da lame tak update blog..
bizi sket skang nie..final exam da dekat..
brape jam je lagi...hehe aci kan kalau amek mase wat post jap...
hmm nie post pertama bulan Ramadhan..buat sahabat2 yang
singgah blog saye nie...
tak terlambat lagikan nak ucap
Salam Ramadhan...
syukur sangat2 sebab Allah temukan saye lagi kat bulan nie....
even tahun nie Ramadhan tak same cam tahun2 sebelumnye..
memAng takkan same..


*kali nie saya tak dapat sambut ramadhan ngan atuk yang
paling saya sayang...cam tahun2 lepas..
atuk dah pergi..tinggalkan cucu dia yang sorang nie
wat selame-lamenye....
masih terbayang lagi suasane buke ngan atuk..
arwah walaupun sakit...tapi tetap semangat nak puase..
saye rindu sangat2 nak suap makanan kat arwah..
nak wudhukkan dye....
nak cium tangan dye...
ya Allah...rindunye...Dia je yang tahu....
paling saye sedih...saye tak sempat nak kongsi
kegembiraan saya dapat tawaran fly ke Egypt....
waktu arwah ada....selalu balik terawih kay kg..
tapi semua tu tinggal kenangan skang nie..

*tahun nie jugak berbeza drpada 2 tahun yang lepas...
2 tahun lepas, saya berkesempatan rasa suasana ramadhan kat KISAS
skang ni plak,,puase kat intec..
memang jauh berbeza ngan kisas..
suasana tu..rindu la buka ramai2 ngan kawan2
dan yang paling berbeza, kat kisas dulu rohani
selalu disantap dengan tazkirah..
kat intec,ada..tapi susah nak dapat...

*dan ramadhan kali ni jugak..
saye berpeluang rasai suasana berpuasa kat mesir...
Alhamdulillah..nanti saya bleh tengok sendiri
orang2 Arab menghargai bulan ramadhan...
saya nak tengok sendiri..
orang kata,orang2 arab memang terlalu sayangkan bulan mulia nie..
mereka akan menangis bila bulan ramadhan dah pergi..
tapi..kat malaysia...1 syawal la paling dinantikan..
saya tak kata salah kita gembira dengan kehadiran syawal..
sebab tu bulan kemenangan kita kan..
tapi cube tengok orang2 arab...mereka lebih sayangkan ramadhan..
sampai ada yang nangis2 bila bulan tu dah abes..
moga2 bila saya sampai kat sane insyaAllah 14 sep nanti
saya pun akan turut sama merasai kesedihan dengan pemergian ramadhan..
Insya Allah...


Alhamdulillah..semalam tamat sudah
majlis graduasi mep..

smalam majlis grad tue bukan untuk mep je..
untuk program russia skali..
tapi agak ridiculous la bagi dak2 mep..
coz kteorang grad b4 final exam..
hehe..pelik betul..
tapi xpela..janji dapat sijil....

em, majlis tue stat dalam pkul 9 lebih..
alahai, sampai kat saner dalam pukul 7 lebih..
nak menunggu pukul 9 Dia je yg tau..
dahle panas pakai blazer jpa yg baru tue..
PANAS..huhu panas dunia..
tapi naseb bek blazer tu cantik..
kalau tak..???
hari tu memang best sakan..
best sesangat..
penat amek gambar..
tapi xpe, kenangan kat INTEC..
b4 fly..
nanti kat Mesir mane ade mjlis grad
ble da tamat blajar..
*blur dengar dak2 russia
nyanyi dalam bahase russia..
tapi iramanye best la jugak..


ngan dayah and wahdaty

housemate yang disayangi...

this is mine...hehe

future islamic doctors..
can find me????

ex-kisasians on the stage..
with ustazah fatahiyyah

hehe hari nie..dah geNap umur saye 18 tahun...
waahh...saye sudah tua..
hehe..thanx kat kawan2 for da wishes smalam..
moge2 diri ini tabah dalam mangharungi
alam dewasa..
and saye nak jadi
orang yang
p/s:post ini dibuat dalam computer lab..tgah tggu
some of the boys yg tak datang lagi..
so, lecture tak stat lagi..
pe lagi..bukak blog dulu..
k la, tataa..


sesaJe Je NAk MenyiBuk Kat BloG neyh..hehe
buKan..sebab da Lame tak PosT..
eRm..mInGgu lePas CadaNg NAk Wat PoSt..
TApi HujuNg MinGgU Ade ProgrAm..
PRograM fUture DocToR
seNior2 Egypt yang aNjuR..
Best La JugaK..
daPAt BAnyAk motiVasi And Tau BAnyAk
BLAjAr SomEthIng NeW..

And YAng PAliNg BeSt MinGgu LePas
UsTAz BAhaSA AraB kiTAoRang BawAk
gi JAlaN2
MAkan2 Kat Al-DiaFah reStoRAn..
kAt Petaling..SeRiuS!!bEsT gIlE MakaNan KAt SAne..
hehe..No WonDer La BilE saye And KawAn2 MAkAn BAnyAk..
*malu plak makan banyak..(_ __")hehe
Satu mEJa habEs daLAm RM170 lebih2..
hehe tak pe..janji SeDAp...
PAstu PegI KAt Ain-Arabia KAt buKit bintAng...
Ade GAk Yang gi low-YAt..(eJa???)
aRi tu Semue CAm sPidErman..
PAkai MAsk..hehe Takut h1n1 Lah...
emm..eaRly preCaution.
sO, thanx ustaZ
coZ bawAk Kami Dak2 Meg5
EscApe KeJap ProGram tue..
hehe aDe PLak camtUe..


SmaLam Dah AbEs UjiaN KomPuTer..
LeGa SanGAt2..
YeLa..CuaK GaK NaK JAWAb..
Huhu..BacE PuN Gitu2 je..
Tapi NasEb bek Bace lasT2 miNute
Ade La Yang MaSuk...
TaPi Ade GaK TeRpakse GunE
M16..Hehe cam KAt plkn plaK..
DaN SmalAm WakTu TengaH test TuE..
RaMai gak Yang terSengGuk-SengGuk..
hehe NaK GeLak plAK TeNgOk KepalE DioRang
MeLiuK LeNtOk ..
huhuhu SaPe Tue???
BeK NgaKu..
KalAu BlEH..TaK Mau TahU ResUlt TeSt tue..

nAK NANgEs..='(

tAk PASAl2 aSSINGmeNt kOMpUtEr
oRAng dAh wAT aPE yaNG cIKgU aJaR...
aSaL tak jaDI tAdI..='(
No oTheR WaYS..
I'vE tO dO oNE mORE tIME
isK2..dUgAAn bEtUL aRI NiE..
sAKIt kEpAle..
~SEkADaR meLuAh PrASAan..~

DapAt jumpe Ngan Diorang Balik..
SmalAm wat ReuNion DaK2 KisAs KAt deWAn CeMaRa@InTec..
TrimE KAsIh KAt Bai KeRaNa tungkus Lumus Wat BenDa nie..
And TerIma KasIh Gak KaT Ex-KiSaS YAng DUk Kat LuaR IntEc
CoZ SuDI datang Kat SiNi..
Bile SeMua DaH ade Cam2 NaK ceRiTe..
daN Yang PAling besT DaPaT dengaR BalIk
AyaT2 CommOn Kat KiSaS Dulu..
heehe Dah LamEr Tak deNGar..
Ape2 Pun TerIme kasih kat Semua..
UkHwah 4eVer..Ameen..

KitE TeTAp KAwaN...=)

MEP09 is great..


jumpe lagi...hehe

ok..nak bagitaw..

malam nie ade majlis penutup sukan INPRO...

kat UiTM induk...
kepada student MEP..
KIteR BolEh!!!
Dan ape yang saya paling suke tentang team MEP untuk tahun nie..
Warna temanya Adalah HIJAU..
saye ulang ...HIJAU..
hehe my favereTe colour..
yaP!!petang nie Pakai baju hijau..
hehe anda suke hijau??
HIJAU itu menenangkan..
Setenang student MEP..

nie lah dia..logo MEP 09



Ok..daH Berkurun LamEnYa Tak Wat Post..

Kali NiE Just Nak SHaRe boUt Our CeleBration Kat Restoren keniNgau for

My TwIn'S Bfday..


Hehe..NoT My TwIn THaT Have The Same FacE LikE Me..

But The Twin ThAt Have ThE SaMe NaMe With Me..


SO Fatin..YoU ARe Getting older haA..

hehe ape2 puN selaMat Hari LAhir ek...

p/s: berBangge Jadi org First yg Wish bfDay..

KepaDe Saudari Wahdaty..anda Jangan JeLes..hehe

emmm.. kali nie blog sayer flowering skit...

sikit???hehe banyak la tue..

here we are..ex-kisasian kat MEG5

FATIN ^ 2..hehe

Kat umah skanG nie..

SKANG nIe kaT uMAH..
Hehee daPat Cuti meNgeJut..
Cuti Kes selSeMa MAut Tu LA..
MembimBangAKn BeTul!!!
Tapi Ok la..DapAt balik Umah..
KebeTulAn Plak Hari Tue FamilY DataNg..
So, Balik tErus Ngan FamiLy la..
heehee tak YAh Sibuk2 rebUt Tiket Bas..
B4 Balik KelAte MenGinap duLu
Kat hotel uiTm..
SamPai uMah Ari AhAd..
hmmm..Alhamdulillah..bleh gak bAlik..
Duk Umah nie..MAcam2 keje kena Wat..
Siang iKAn..sapu Sampah..Cuci Tandas...
huhu..Nilah Maseny nAk wat Amal kebajiKAn..
daN yang PAling PENTING!!!
DapAt Makan SecaRe puKAl Kat Umah..
Kat kolej MAkan Ala KadAr je..
Nak2 Skang nie Musim buah..

ni lah antare keje kena wat..
jadi tukang ajor n tukang melukis adeq laki
sorang ni..
dahle akak die ni tangan bangku..

Balik umah nie..Dapatla MAnje2 ngan Adek Bradeq..
yela lepas nie NAk peGi Mesir dah..
Hmm..pe2 pun MAin Point kat siNi..
Mase YAng paling Best adeLah ketika BerAda Kat umah sendIri..
k la Ade WorKs..peGi dulu..Tataa

nGan Adeq bongSu..
ehem..Akaq Yang PenYayanG..

Lega giler..
biler miss cakap kuiz biochem
dipostponed minggu depan..
nasib baik...
dahle tajuk protein tu
banyak giler die punyer
tak larat tul...
huhu..penat nak ngingat
fakta2 protein tuh..
huhuhu cuak..mesti yang len dah bace
abes protein tu..
wahdati,atiq..mesti da abes bace kei??
xmau dapat markah rendah..
ok2 dari tadi asyik tak mau..
so,i want 2 stop here..
nak settelkan essay
n sambung bace protein..

p/s:rindu yg amat kat kisas...biler la nak pegi
lawat cikgu2 nie..
wahdati..bile nak gi??
dahle tarikh fly dekat dah..


erm..rajin la plak hari nie nak wat post...
just nk share story ngan sahabat2..
my truly ambition..
hehe 2 be a doctor...
klau kecik2 dulu...
asal ckgu tnye....
"fatin,awak nak jadi ape?"
msti jwab "doktor"...hehe..
entahla dari kecik memang obses
sgt2 ngan profession nie..
dan salah satu keje yang slalu dilakukan
sewaktu kecik2
menangkap serangge2 dan
'mengoperate' binatang2 yg xberdose tue..
hehehe 'kejam' la dulu..
antarenye..paling banyak..belalang,dragonfly..
and kekejaman yang paling besar..
melibatkan seekor anak ayam..
sian anak ayam tu..
xsempat hidup lelame..
and kalau nak tahu..
dulu bersepah kubur2 binatang2 2...
depan rumah dah jadi tanah perkuburan serangga tu..
hehe kira saya ni baeklah jugak..
lepas 'bunuh' serangga tu..
terus kebumi...amik tisu wat kain kapan..
hehehe ade2 je dulu...
ingat lagi tak kes ahmad n muhammad?
kembar siam tu???
hehe diorang menjalani operation waktu fatin darjah 4...
tak silap la..
waktu tu memang xpenah miss tgok pkembangan diorang..
nak2 bile mereka dah kena operate
bukan ape..cume rase teruja
bile tengok pakar2 bedah tu tungkus lumus
dalam OT..
and teruja tengok banyak wayar2
yang berselirat kat tubuh kembar tu..
mase tu mulalah tangan ni gatal
nak wat operation kat serangge2 tue..
hehe tu semue kenangan...membuktikan memang fatin
nak sangat2 jadi doktor..
bile masuk darjah 6
tak wat dah bende tue..
taubat..sian kat haiwan2 tue..
skrang nie..
syukur sangat2 bila dapat perform well dalam spm dulu..
dapat scholar jpa plak tue..
so, peluang nak gapai cita2 tu dah ada
depan mata..
dan fatin kena gune semua peluang ngan sebaiknya...
nak belajar bukan mudah...nak jadi doktor bukan mudah..
as long as fatin keep on istiqamah..
i believe i can achieve my dream..
"Ya Allah..permudahkanlah urusanku ini untuk menggapai
cita2 dan harapan yang aku idamkan..
jadikanlah aku hambaMu yang sentiasa
bersyukur atas segala nikmatMu yang
Kau telah kurniakan kepadaku.."


waktu nie dalam kelas..

kawan tengah prepare untuk roleplay..

'curik' kejap white coat nie..

Bihah yang punye..tq yea!

SerIouS!!sayE puN flY awAl..
isK2 sedih2..
Bile dapaT taU beriTa tu SemalaM..
Selame nie
AsyIk sImPati nGan stuDent jordan je..
Tapi kAli ni kEnA simpAti nGAn diri SendiRi plAk..
TArikh fly 14 Or 15 SepTembeR..
MaKsudnye b4 rayeR le..

tataa...14 sep ni nak fly dah..

SmaLAm Cam xCaye juGak..
Tapi bilE DenGar sNdiri dari mulut uStaZah tAdi..
Baru Cayer..
So..You guys Dak2 Jordan..
Kite menErIma Nasib Yang Samer...
Smalam Gtaw Ayah..
Dye pun Cam xcAyer jgak ..
Baru RancAng Nak rAye SakAn NgaN FamilY TahUn Nie..
Tapi ApaKAn DaYa..
kiter RancanG DIA yang TenTukan..
Mungkin Ada HikmaH yaNg fatin xtau..
Sedih Tu memAng Sedih..
tApi Bak KAta SOmEONE nie..
"xkaN xNak fLy puLak.."
Tapi Xpela....

em..kene sediakan Beg khas untk kueh rayer..
ok Tak?huhu

Nak BlaJar KeNa perluKan peNgorBanaN..
Ok2..ThiNk posiTive Ya Fatin..
Hmm....BesT la koT RayeR KAt MesiR nAnti..
So KoranG YAng Kat MalAysiA nie..
Jangan LA jeLes NgAn KitaOrang Yang AkAn SambUt raYer
Dari Jauh Nie..
2 daK2 AusMat,A-lEveL..
6t tUrn KoraNg lAks..
And oNe moRe thIng..
Korang jgN luPe Beli pAper utuSan..
insYaAllah..Ade La tu muKe Dak2 Egypt+joRdan 2..
hehehe Ye2 je..
And AgenDA sKrang nIe..
Fatin NAk downLOad beBanyak Lagu2 Rayer..
Nanti KonfEm UpaCare meNangis ReramAi
bErlaku kat Saner..


I'm really feel much better right now..
Dayah and i had done our role play presentation..
everything OK..
i think....=p
but...miss said that all of us
were very good on that day..
i really appreciate what you had said,miss..
thank you for watching us..
then..after this..
i have to ready for the individual presentation...
hope can do very well....
thats all....

AlhmdulilAh..bLoggIng AgaiN
After BTN..
BuT i doNt wanT 2 shaRe yeT my storY at BTN at This Post..
ErM..actuaLly nk kongSi sTory..
xdelAh story Yng gempAk2
cUme stoRy tntNg cerTAin oRg2 kat Keliling kiteR nie..
CaMni Citernye..

cIter 1:
Ari 2 klUar Jap ngAn DaYah,PiPah lepAs kLas..
hehe kuAr xjAuh pun..
peGi keDai 7 EleveN 2je..
ari 2 Ari JumaAt..
PeGi sAnEr nAk chEck elaUn jPa..
samPai je Kat saNe..tRus la Wat kuAr KAd n chEck La akAun..
aDuh..Dwet xmasUk lg..
pastu Turn Kwn plak chEck..
Tgah tggu kWan 2..
Tetiba ad soRang akAk ni mAsuk 7 ElevEn 2..
YA saLam..CantIk akAk 2..
pakai Baju kuRung je..Tp menaWan la..
Cantik la!!
tEtiba Dgar Akak 2 Cakap Ngan caShier Tu..
Wah!!tErkejut Yang aMat..
napEr suAre akAk 2 KASAR+GARAU semacam??
YA ALLAH..m** ***h rupenye..
GeLak SoraNg2

CitEr 2:
Kluar lagi..Tapi kaLi ni Ngan Dayah je..
wat pe??
Em..Nak beli Baju UntuK BTN..
MELayAng Lagi DuIt haRi tu..
Dahle eLaun xmaSuk lagi..
Eh2 sedih plak..
ok2 back 2 story..
kEjap je pilih Baju..
Dayah yg Tolong..
tq Dayah..hehe
Pegi Kaunter nAk bAyar bAju tU..
tetIba nampAkla Satu couple nie..
tgah pilih bAju same2
tgah tgu turn..tgk jap glagat diorang..
waktu 2 baru prasan yang si lelaki..
bukanlah lelaki sejaTi..
ye..sahih jiddan..
ble sedar tu adalah pngkid..
fatin xabes2 nguTuk..
ye la..geli+loya..
tgok glagat diorang..

sebenarnye the main point about this story nie
nak ckap tntg maknyah n pengkid..
kdg2 terfikir jgak
betulla kiamat memg dah dekat..
pastu fikir jugak..
diorang yang jadi cmtu x tAkut ke??
azab Allah tu pedih..
yang sedihnye bile Malays and of course muslim
yang jadi camtu..
emm..harap2 golongan2 mcm ni
dapat hidayah Allah
untuk jadi manusia
yang lebih
k la, tu je untuk hari nie..

AlhaMduliLlah..Ari nIe Ade GaK maSe nAk wat posT barU..
eVen Tadi mooDku BerubAh..

Nie Semue PAsal assIngmenT Bi..
SmaLam penAt lelAh wat benDa tu..

tetiBa fiLe yg DisaVe xlEh BukAk..
salAh Saper?KompuTer?

~hehE ade PLak nak salahkAn Bende yg xberNyawe..

Em..XpeLah..dugaan sKet jE 2..
TerpAkselA Wat BAlik AssIngmeNt 2..

EveN peNat nAk tAip semuA FActs About KidnEy Failure diseaSe..
WeLl..SkAng nie Bende 2 pun Da cYup..

Emm..ARi nie 5 JulY..
Esok keNe g BtN..KAt KeM sePAng..Balik Ari JumaAt nie..
5 julY??waRgH!!cePatnY maSe..

xlaMe lagi mask bLn 8, ThEn bln 9, then bLn 10..
Bulan 10..DirI iNi bakaL meNinggaLkn Bumi mAlaYsia...
nAk fly daH..sOnok pUn aDe..tAkut pun Ade..

nilah die..bandar kaherah..em,cantik la jgk..

YeLA..duk NegaRA oRAng NanTi CamManE la..
TaNpE InSan2 TerSayAng..iSk2

Hmmm.. cUAk gaK ble fiKir canE diriKu bLe stAt blAja Kat sanE 6t..

6.5 thuN plAk tU..
ErMx_agAk laMe..


bakal universiti tmpat fatin blaja..

caiRo uNiveRsiTy..

laGi cUAk tmBah2 mEdiC fiEld bUkan BidaNg yAng seNang..
LikE ABC or 123456....

Erm maknenYe meMg keNA btul2 puluN la..
SbAb prjalaNAn diriKu Masih lg jAuh..

KenE arUngI seGala cabAran+HalAngaN yg tgAh siAp sediA nAk kAco StudeNt cm dirI Ini..

eM..pEpun Ku MohOn MoGe2 Allah BerikN diriKu n membeR2 keMudAhn ntUk Ambik ilMu kAt bumi AnbIa 6t..

=====MeNghiTunG harI uNtuK berJuang...=====

This week, we learnt more about grammar...
How to use the right grammar..hmm seriously i 'm very worry about my grammar.. Miss,sometimes i still make grammar mistakes..huhu..
i hope that by doing the grammar exercise that miss Hasnaa gave to us i can improve my grammar..
(^-^)i hope so!
Then..this week also the week for MOCK roleplay..hehe..quite interesting!!
My partner dayah and i also had to do MOCK role play on that Wednesday...Emm..everything OK! miss just comment us on our not too OK role play ending..Hehe i act as a mother that had been diagnose to have tuberculosis..
The most best pair for MEG5..hehehe..of course Afiq and Naim..both of them hahaha too funny!!
Hmm..of course our miss Hasnaa enjoy with their roleplay..em, i hope that all my friends in MEG5 can do well in the real mock roleplay..thank you miss for your good advice and comment that you had given to me and Dayah..
Before i forgot...miss can i know where did you bought the tasty yummmm fried bananas???
~very delicious!!! i indulgence myself on that day.. THANK YOU MISS for that fried banana...=D

ArI nIE, Akhirnye...
Berjaye Jugak GrOUp faTiN SiaPkaN DaN beNtanGkaN assinGmenT Ntuk InTro
smaLam KoRbaNkan masE wAt bende tu Lah..
DaN TQ buaT iJan + tasya yanG sUdi Datang Bilik KeKami...
diriKu, nIsa n daYah..
SeRonOk rrr Wat keje Ngan KoRang2...
IjaN terUtamenYeR Yang TaK abEs2 wat laWak..
~haHa..=) tQ Ijan..waT Fatin happY!!!
AlHamduLillaH..Semue Ok2 jE..
caM bEseLah..dak2 MEG5 MeMaNg AkTif2 BlaKe...
Ade2 je SokLan YanG kiTeOranG knE JawaB...
AntaRe kanak2 MEG5 Yg akTif Bab2 taNye menanyE niE IaLah..
SApE lAgi KlaU bukaN ShAymAk,WaHdaTi n DaK naiM 2..
Tapi YAng Paling xPuEh Ati..BlEh plAk si Class Rep MEG5 tu..sI A***
Nak taU Pe DiE waT???
~PaDan MuKe!!iJan Suh Die Bangun n Jd LeadEr Untuk Bace muSlim OatH...
Haha..teRuS segoR..hehe..
HoneSTly caKap..bestLe WaT perBentaNgan Tadi...
GembiRe bile daPAt teRAngkaN ilMu Yang Kite Tahu kat kAwaN2..
EvEn BenDa yG kiTeR SampAIkaN sIkiT jE pUn..
DaN laGilaH beSt biLe UstaZah yaNg aJar SuBjeK tU puN beSt yg teRamaT...
UsTazah ktEroRg Tu..actuaLly Ex-kiSas..
~patUtlah BesT...HehE..ByaseLah StuDeNt kiSas meMg baGus2..
(tmpang BanggE la Plak..Haha..)
BkaN leGa paSaL 2je...leGa Yg Nie pLak BilE dah slaMat wAt teSt Bio...
Bagi DirI iNI...XdeLah suSah..Emmm KlaU baCe BuKu mesTi leh JawaB..
X Sia2 gaK BacE BuKu BiO n Ngadap GamBar TgKoRak Yg aGak 'CaNtik' 2 SaMpai puKul 3.30 PagI..BerBaloi!!
Naseb bAek gaK haFal TuLang2 teNgkoRak tu..
blEh La JawaB..
BeTul Ke Tak Jawapan DiRiKu??HaraP2 BetuLla..HaHa...
Hmm..aPe2 pun skaNg nie KeNa tawaKal je La...
Doa Gak..HarAp2 daPat betTer maRk..tEsT ni diaMbil Kire UntuK FinaL eXam pUnyEr maRk..
K La 2 Je NtuK Kali NiE...

~keTika sedaNg meMbuat poSt ini..
Diriku seDang meNyiaPkan assigMent enG..
Sambil MelAyaN laGu AnDra n ThE BackboNe..
SEMPURNA..Haha..HaraP2 KeJe EnG 2 Pun SeMpurnA Ari nIe..


smalam DapaT juGak FatiN
MeRase DURIAN...
~hehe..memAng puaS hati..
HousEmatE yaNg baWak..
CaM tAu2 Je naK makan DurIan..
BaWak Pengat Lak Tu..
My faVouriTe...
Ape Lagi....
KeNduRi BesAr le SatU rUmaH..
SaKaN BeTul SmaLam...
~tU jE untuk aRi niE...
pEgi Dulu!!Nak Wat assIngMenTs..
ERm...RedHa jeLah..


RinDu baBa..
RinDu Umi...
rIndu aLong..
rIndu AchIk..
rinDu AnIk..
rindu ABg..
RinDu Adik..
RinDu NeNek...
Rindu KucIng....
RinDu KeReTa WajA....
nak DrIVe ngaN baBa..
AngkUt adik-ADik Gi Jalan-jaLan
Macam taxI drIveR lak..heHe..
RinDu............Sape lagi haaaaa???
LambatNye baliK RumAh...!!
~nAK MakE buDu+duRian..
Waa..SaTu KenYAtaan baHaWa DurIan ItU AmaTlah seDap..
Ku Tak TahAN!!nAk mAkan DuRiaN!!
naK DuRian!!
~Ade Sape2 Nak spoNsor duRian Ntuk Saye??
silAkan2..heHe..ade Plak cam 2 kaN??
~Nak mAkE bELi sEndiRi..
Tapi ElAun Jpa x baNk In lAgi la..AdUh..
ErMx...daH naK maSuk Bulan 7..
X laMe Lagi Nak Fly Mesir DaH..
Last Rayer KAt MALaysIA TaUn Nih...
AgAk2 kat MesiR TuH ade DuriaN tak??
~huhu Soalan Ntah Ape2...
tU Je Luahan hAtiKu UNTuk Ari Nie..

~YaNg PAkAi TudunG piNk tu NeNEk Saye..

~TU AdiK pEmpuaN saye..FazLin a.k.a AcHik..

pmr Thun NiE..ExaM slaLu DaPat 8A n AbOVE..teRoR laGi dARi SAYe..BaKal KE KisAS..i.aLlAh

~yaNg tU plak ThE onLy onE Adik LelaKi..FaiZuDDin a.k.a AbE..aMat naKal taPi Rajin..RaMai PeMinaT tu..haha baru darJah 3

~yang KeciK SkaLi n BongSu..FaTihaH..A.k.a AdiK..SaMe nakAl..peNgaruh Abe la nIE..

~KaT blAkang Tu ketA wajA yaNg SayE sLAlU baWAk..ManuaL nYeR..nO PlaT caNtik..DM 68 ~TU Yang suke Bawak Tu..FEmeS SKet..

EH LuPE2..UMi SAYe Tu dUk KAt TepI dInDinG..namPak kAn???Ala..YanG tUdUng Ijau 2..TaK nAmPak PEnDeK UmuR!!

~HuHu xdeLa..GurAu jE


1. Smiling makes us attractive.We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away ,but a smile draws them in.

2.Smiling changes our mood.Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling is Contagious.When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress.Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System.Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. revent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure.When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home.Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin.Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger.The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day!you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful.Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive.Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

I am totally shocked at his passing...because

i am one of his fan when i was young...

when i was a kid..i really love to see he danced with his unique own style..and also love his music..ermx,not all the musics but only certain..BEAT IT is one of my favourite song..sound nice..em,for me...

but..when he made a controversy that he was involved with some criminal cases..(emm..related to the children..already forgot) my interest to him were going down..hmm the only one thing that i really happy with him was when he had converted to be a muslim with a new name,mikhael..

ermx..he died as a muslim..and i think that i should not to blame him forever because every human cannot run from doing any mistakes..and let ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY judges all those things...

++++++ may ALLAH bless you mickel…you are muslim…++++++

may Almighty bless your soul….

i really don't like when i have to stand in the bus...when all the sits in the bus are full...and
with my heavy books at my hands...it such a annoying thing for me!!
and i'm sure that my friends also face the same situstion like me...agree??
~huhu..just want to share my feeling...

- "Hey!!! i don't want to involve in this public speaking!!"that was my first words when i saw the advertisement about this programme..hmm..but lastly i have no choice when one of my class member suggested that ALL MEG5 members are compulsory to enter that programme...

-Hmm...these all began when Ulya(the spelling??if i not mistaken..) came to our class with his pity face at that time...(haha..) asked us to send the representatives to enter this public speaking..and because of his pity look all of us were agreed to join it..all of us must to speak in arabic..em..ok la..i just nodded my head as i agree to enter that public speaking..

-24 june was my turn..when i was at the seminar room at cemara college where the events was held there were some people talked with the usage of many type of languages..including arabic,russian,malay,english and others..all the topics of their talks were very interesting...

-then,it was my turn to give my talk,hmm around 9.40 am...haha ok la..i give a short talk in arabic language on topic 'the advantages and disadvantages of internet in our life'..

-well this is the benefit activity that i think that i have to involve next time..hmm the thing that make we,the intec student proud with when this public speaking was recorded in tne MALAYSIA BOOK OF RECORD as the longest non-stop public speaking...great!!!as one of the student that participate in this activity i really proud!!

++++++thats all...bye2++++++

10 languages....waa..

~my certificate...hehe..

- Hmm..last week, we learnt about the new topic..on title BREAKING THE BAD NEWS..

the most part that i like to learn is about how important for a doctor to know the lay term instead of using the medical term in their career...

-why??haha, because we as the future doctor cannot assume that all people are know about the medical term.. in the other hand one example of the medical term,'hypoglycosemia'..i imagine that if i am the patient at that time i may just confuse and say.."haa?what actually this doctor talking about??

-actually hypoglycosemia maening that the low production of glucose in our body..hmm, just tell the patient the most clearer meaning for that kind of term so that they will know about their problem..you should agree with me...hehe...

-hmm..last week also i have to do our class role-play for this topic..(miss, i really love to do this activity..=D) and my partner on that time was a GUY...FARIS..huhu..but he is okay and he also really help me with my dialouges in our discussion..everything Ok!!=p

-the other interesting activity for this english class was when miss divided us into some groups and we have to find and write all the words that are related to the PAIN..any words!!miss ask to find at least 20 words but hehe..some groups found almost 90 words!!great!!!hmm i love this activity so much..why??because FUNNY+INTERESTING..funny because the words given by the each groups sometimes were not related to the main theme..hehe..

-cannot wait for the next english class..our REAL ROLE-PLAY will start next week!!if i not mistaken..huhu,Dayah is my partner for that one role play..

+++++++++++got to now..bye2+++++++++++

really enjoy your class, miss...TQ..=)


-This is the beginning of a new day.
I have been given this day to use as I will.
I can waste it, or use it.
I can make it a day long to be remembered for its joy, its beauty and its achievements, or it can be filled with pettiness.
What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever, but I shall hold something which I have traded for it.
It may be no more than a memory, but if it is a worthy one I shall not regret the price.
I want it to be gain not loss, good not evil, success not failure.


Almost 1 month i am here,at INTEC ..
and i have sat for my first quiz..BIOCHEMISTRY

Hmm..the questions??not too easy n not too hard..
~Alhamdulillah i can do it well...

Now..i keep thinking ....HOW ABOUT MY MARK????


UNIC - Kawan

Kawan bertahun kita bersama
Bagai semalam baru bersua
Kawan dihadapan oh! Indahnya
Kita bersama berkelana

Namun kita jauh di dunia sendiri
Bekalan sendiri(semangat sendiri) Impian sendiri
Meski pun jauh namun kita tetap bersama
Dek ruang yang memisahkan kita

Kawan hidup ini umpama langit yang tidak selalu cerah
Kawan hidup ini umpama awan yang tidak selalu putih
Ingatlah bintang-bintang di langit Takkan terus berkelipan
Ingatlah pelangi yang indah Pasti akan hilang

Kawan jangan biarkan dirimu
Seperti rama-rama
Cantik namun akhirnya menjadi perhiasan di dinding
Kawan jangan biarkan dirimu
Umpama lipan dan kala
Berbisa namun akhirnya menjadi perhiasan di meja tulis

Oh! Kawan jadilah seperti si matahari
Membakar diri demi insan sejagat
Oh! Kawan jadilah seperti bulan purnama
Menerangi malam yang gelap gelita
Menunjukkan jalan demi ummat semesta

Menunjukkan jalan demi ummat semesta ( 2X )

The days in this week such a busy days for me..too much things that i have to do.I've to do that,have to do this,have to go there, have to go here, everywhere...ermm, what else?haa! went to the hospital in main campus to settle up my medical check-up as it frayed my head for a long time! Huh...but i'm really genuinely relieved as i can settle it, so i do not have to leave the class anymore...(^_^)~huhu

Guess what are another things that make me more busy??Ha!ha!a lot of assingment of course!! assingments,assingments and assingments..Want to know, until this day, i've almost 5 assingments to do...Wow!!5 assingments that i've to ensure that i can finish all of them before my marks for the final exam will be deducted if i fail to send my assingments to the lecturer..No!no! i don't want to loose my marks!!So. i've to make sure that i can finish up and send them somewhen in July..July??One month from now!! Arghh..=o(hehe just a gimmick..)..ermx, actually although i'm very busy with the assingments, but i never feel too much stress, cause i know this is the COMMON and MUST works that every university students have to do... I'm realize that i'm not in Standart 1 anymore or i'm the girl who are in the Form 1..but, i'm a student in an institute of HIGHER LEARNING!!hey, Fatin..Wake up!!You have to face all those things!!!come on!

Hmm..sometimes i feel that it's hard to me to manage my time to all those works because i'm also busy to do my own revision especially for these three subjects
-->physiology,biology and biochemistry.. sometimes i always think what should i do?timetable?group discussion? or another ideas that can help me to do my revisions and at the same time i'm also manage to to do my assignments..Quite difficult hah??But, i realize that i have to keep on believe that there must be any solution to overcome all those difficulties.. Allah The Almighty also said in His Great Quran, referring to surah Al-syarh;

"And it's true that there will be easiness for every difficulties"
So...it is absolutely true that there are some ways to solve my problems..and I've to work hard to find the best way that can make me manage my busy life at INTEC..Busy,busy,bussyyy..haha..Hey, got to go now!! i want to find some information related to the ANATOMY DEVELOPMENT..Yeah! Quite interesting topic..OK,bye!
...............................BYE BYE...........................................

All I have to say is all that you have known and to confirm what you have known, the message of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as given by God - the Religion of Truth. As human beings, we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creation. Man was created to be God's deputy on earth, and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to make our lives a preparation for the next life. Anybody who misses this chance is not likely to be given another, to be brought back again and again, because it says in Qur'an Majeed that when man is brought to account, he will say, "O Lord, send us back and give us another chance." The Lord will say, "If I send you back you will do the same."


I was brought up in the modern world of all the luxury and the high life of show business. I was born in a Christian home, but we know that every child is born in his original nature - it is only his parents that turn him to this or that religion. I was given this religion (Christianity) and thought this way. I was taught that God exists, but there was no direct contact with God, so we had to make contact with Him through Jesus - he was in fact the door to God. This was more or less accepted by me, but I did not swallow it all. I looked at some of the statues of Jesus; they were just stones with no life. And when they said that God is there, I was puzzled even more but could not argue. I more or less believed it, because I had to have respect for the faith of my parents.


Gradually I became alienated from this religious upbringing. I started making music. I wanted to be a big star. All those things I saw in the films and on the media took hold of me, and perhaps I thought this was my God, the goal of making money. I had an uncle who had a beautiful car. "Well," I said, "he has it made. He has a lot of money." The people around me influenced me to think that this was it; this world was their God. I decided then that this was the life for me; to make a lot of money, have a 'great life.' Now my examples were the pop stars. I started making songs, but deep down I had a feeling for humanity, a feeling that if I became rich I would help the needy. (It says in the Qur'an, we make a promise, but when we make something, we want to hold onto it and become greedy.) So what happened was that I became very famous. I was still a teenager, my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life, so I wanted to live larger than life and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated (with liquor and drugs).


After a year of financial success and 'high' living, I became very ill, contracted TB and had to be hospitalized. It was then that I started to think: What was to happen to me? Was I just a body, and my goal in life was merely to satisfy this body? I realized now that this calamity was a blessing given to me by Allah, a chance to open my eyes - "Why am I here? Why am I in bed?" - and I started looking for some of the answers. At that time there was great interest in the Eastern mysticism. I began reading, and the first thing I began to become aware of was death, and that the soul moves on; it does not stop. I felt I was taking the road to bliss and high accomplishment. I started meditating and even became a vegetarian. I now believed in 'peace and flower power,' and this was the general trend. But what I did believe in particular was that I was not just a body. This awareness came to me at the hospital. One day when I was walking and I was caught in the rain, I began running to the shelter and then I realized, 'Wait a minute, my body is getting wet, my body is telling me I am getting wet.' This made me think of a saying that the body is like a donkey, and it has to be trained where it has to go. Otherwise, the donkey will lead you where it wants to go. Then I realized I had a will, a God-given gift: follow the will of God. I was fascinated by the new terminology I was learning in the Eastern religion. By now I was fed up with Christianity. I started making music again and this time I started reflecting my own thoughts. I remember the lyric of one of my songs. It goes like this: "I wish I knew, I wish I knew what makes the Heaven, what makes the Hell. Do I get to know You in my bed or some dusty cell while others reach the big hotel?" and I knew I was on the Path. I also wrote another song, "The Way to Find God Out." I became even more famous in the world of music. I really had a difficult time because I was getting rich and famous, and at the same time, I was sincerely searching for the Truth. Then I came to a stage where I decided that Buddhism is all right and noble, but I was not ready to leave the world. I was too attached to the world and was not prepared to become a monk and to isolate myself from society. I tried Zen and Ching, numerology, tarot cards and astrology. I tried to look back into the Bible and could not find anything. At this time I did not know anything about Islam, and then, what I regarded as a miracle occurred. My brother had visited the mosque in Jerusalem and was greatly impressed that while on the one hand it throbbed with life (unlike the churches and synagogues which were empty), on the other hand, an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity prevailed.


When he came to London he brought back a translation of the Qur'an, which he gave to me. He did not become a Muslim, but he felt something in this religion, and thought I might find something in it also. And when I received the book, a guidance that would explain everything to me - who I was; what was the purpose of life; what was the reality and what would be the reality; and where I came from - I realized that this was the true religion; religion not in the sense the West understands it, not the type for only your old age. In the West, whoever wishes to embrace a religion and make it his only way of life is deemed a fanatic. I was not a fanatic, I was at first confused between the body and the soul. Then I realized that the body and soul are not apart and you don't have to go to the mountain to be religious. We must follow the will of God. Then we can rise higher than the angels. The first thing I wanted to do now was to be a Muslim. I realized that everything belongs to God, that slumber does not overtake Him. He created everything. At this point I began to lose the pride in me, because hereto I had thought the reason I was here was because of my own greatness. But I realized that I did not create myself, and the whole purpose of my being here was to submit to the teaching that has been perfected by the religion we know as Al-Islam. At this point I started discovering my faith. I felt I was a Muslim. On reading the Qur'an, I now realized that all the Prophets sent by God brought the same message. Why then were the Jews and Christians different? I know now how the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and that they had changed His Word. Even the Christians misunderstand God's Word and called Jesus the son of God. Everything made so much sense. This is the beauty of the Qur'an; it asks you to reflect and reason, and not to worship the sun or moon but the One Who has created everything. The Qur'an asks man to reflect upon the sun and moon and God's creation in general. Do you realize how different the sun is from the moon? They are at varying distances from the earth, yet appear the same size to us; at times one seems to overlap the other. Even when many of the astronauts go to space, they see the insignificant size of the earth and vastness of space. They become very religious, because they have seen the Signs of Allah. When I read the Qur'an further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Muslim yet, but I felt that the only answer for me was the Qur'an, and God had sent it to me, and I kept it a secret. But the Qur'an also speaks on different levels. I began to understand it on another level, where the Qur'an says, "Those who believe do not take disbelievers for friends and the believers are brothers." Thus at this point I wished to meet my Muslim brothers.


Then I decided to journey to Jerusalem (as my brother had done). At Jerusalem, I went to the mosque and sat down. A man asked me what I wanted. I told him I was a Muslim. He asked what was my name. I told him, "Stevens." He was confused. I then joined the prayer, though not so successfully. Back in London, I met a sister called Nafisa. I told her I wanted to embrace Islam and she directed me to the New Regent Mosque. This was in 1977, about one and a half years after I received the Qur'an. Now I realized that I must get rid of my pride, get rid of Iblis, and face one direction. So on a Friday, after Jumma' I went to the Imam and declared my faith (the Kalima) at this hands. You have before you someone who had achieved fame and fortune. But guidance was something that eluded me, no matter how hard I tried, until I was shown the Qur'an. Now I realize I can get in direct contact with God, unlike Christianity or any other religion. As one Hindu lady told me, "You don't understand the Hindus. We believe in one God; we use these objects (idols) to merely concentrate." What she was saying was that in order to reach God, one has to create associates, that are idols for the purpose. But Islam removes all these barriers. The only thing that moves the believers from the disbelievers is the salat. This is the process of purification.

Finally I wish to say that everything I do is for the pleasure of Allah and pray that you gain some inspirations from my experiences. Furthermore, I would like to stress that I did not come into contact with any Muslim before I embraced Islam. I read the Qur'an first and realized that no person is perfect. Islam is perfect, and if we imitate the conduct of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) we will be successful. May Allah give us guidance to follow the path of the ummah of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Ameen!

-- Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens)

Islam is Beautiful..Al-Quran is Great..

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kisas klang 07-08 cairo university ~jpa scholar ~sayang umi baba sgt2 ^_^

